
spirit sunday: spring connection

may.  may day.  spring, birth, renewal.  hope and new beginnings.

yesterday the mr and i walked to the farmers market and i was, in a word...elated. i was thrilled with the hot richmond morning, the fresh, crisp purple and white beets stacked row upon row next to lush heads of vibrant green lettuce  which were tucked next to spring onions the size of walnuts.  fledgling tomato plants,  nate serving spicy tacos from his rusty, silver taco truck, fresh eggs all shapes and variation of brown and dogs as different and unique as the humans walking them...they all made me smile.  ice coffee from blanchards , groovy young moms with babies in colorful slings, awfully delightful neighborhood bluegrass singers and the man whose hand i held... all made me feel lucky to be alive.  what a simple pleasure it was to be there among all those other individuals also enjoying something as simple and powerful as the beginning of spring...and perhaps feeling that they too were a little more ..connected.

i wondered....to what did i owe that feeling?  that gratitude?

today at the UU church (or spirit class as i like to call it) the mr and i attend....we took part in our first Beltane service and honored the earth with the planting of wildflower seeds we had blessed with positive thoughts and energy.  and for a moment as the leaders of the service raised their hands to the four corners of the earth....i almost giggled with uncomfortable nervousness and wondered....if it wasn't in fact a little too "earth centered" even for me me....

and then in a flash i had a vision of me all preggers in the back yard, mr and i bending over our koi pond...and with como kitty and roughly 12 koi as witness...mr sprinkles my tummy with water and sends up a little prayer of thanks and hope...to new beginnings.  i don't know exactly what that vision is supposed to tell me...but i'm going to take it as a reminder that there is so much out there greater than ourselves.  from our koi to our coffee, our beets to our babies...no matter who we praise or how we celebrate, we are indeed....all connected.

nighty nite-
mrs m

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