this morning i woke up in a complete dither
this morning i woke up with the overwhemling feeling that i have not bought enough.
not shopped enough. not spent enough.
this morning i woke up with an almost crushing need to buy.
then i made the mistake of turning on the tube….and there they were…
so jingling and bright.
forcing their way into my living room.
making me feel even worse.
“every kiss begins with kay”
because let’s face it men…you know where kisses lead and this will be very merryless, bootyless christmas if your woman don't get some bling. (btw, does this ad creep anyone else out??)
"he went to jared"
…cuz if he went somewhere else…your friends will think he's cheap
and my personal favorite
cuz why not start em early
turning off the tv i sat down to browse my favorite blogs before work
…looking for inspiration.
looking for a reality check.
when it hit me…i was really just looking at….
ok, incredibly creative, arresting, alluring and semi-independent ads. pretty ads. easy on the eye ads that don't demand a lot from the soul. but ads none-the-less. ads for dresses and gifts, scarves and shoes and a particular $4000
ring that part of my brain screamed
“must have the precious” with a startling gollum-like intensity.
yes, this was me on gimme gimme christmas crack
see this year mr c and me decided we wanted to do christmas a bit
differently. with almost 10% unemployment and 21% of children in the us living below the poverty line…we made a donation to an organization we believe in, decided to do a night out on the town in lue of gifts, give our time to others…and be deliberately grateful for the awesomeness of our new mr and mrs life.
so new age and cool right?
well i’d love to say we did that and i was content.
that i’m 100% on board with a christmas of less store bought gifts and much more togetherness.
news flash...
i am not that centered.
…but i am working on it.
the threatening thing about letting go of stuff is that it’s likely to lead to other changes….
it’s like pulling the thread on your favorite sweater…you just can’t help yourself even though you’re pretty sure you’re going to end up with….
the need for a whole new damn sweater.
*** btw, the above bit of soapbox luv is certainly not meant as a bust on blogs.
a blog-lands' very beauty lies in its' unique free-for-all-ness.
free for all purposes. free for all thoughts.
if your real house doesn't look the way you wish it did...
wha-la..create one that does.
want to wear something shocking to your holiday party...
poof, now you can.
it's a place where we can imagine our loveliest world and write it into reality.
i get it
and i for one love that quality....
but does some measure of responsibility come with such a magic wand?
for that matter, does christmas???
xoxo ~ m